Wellbeing & Engagement
Student Wellbeing
At St Francis Xavier’s College we are committed to the wellbeing of our students. The House system and Tutor Groups break the student body down into small "family" groups.
The Wellbeing Team consists of the Assistant Principal Wellbeing and Engagement, Leaders of Wellbeing and Engagement (LoWEs), Wellbeing Support Coordinators, School Counsellors, Learning Support Leader of Learning, Careers Advisor, Ministry Coordinator and Aboriginal Education Teacher. School Counselling support is available to the students every day. We also have a Beyond the Gates Position which is full-time.
The information evenings, orientation days, transition activities including the Year 7 Camp and the "Year 11 Getting to Know You Day" are all designed to facilitate a smooth transition into the College.
St Francis Xavier’s College offers a range of extra curricula activities to provide students with opportunities to become involved, to learn about themselves, to meet people, to show initiative, to build interpersonal skills, to develop or build skills in leadership, teamwork and communication.
Behaviour Support
The aim is for teachers and students to have more time to focus on Xavier’s College is centred on Positive Behaviour for Learning. This is an evidence-based framework that brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
- reduced inappropriate behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need
- a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time
School-wide data is used to identify patterns of problem behaviour, monitor student progress, reflect on teaching effectiveness and inform decisions that strengthen the learning environment.
Positive behaviours are reinforced within the school community, including in our learning spaces, in the school grounds and at all times throughout the day.
The SFX “Values Matrix” is linked to our four College Values:
- Family
- Truth
- Mercy
- Service

Serious Matters Relating to College Discipline
Alcohol: The consumption and/or possession of alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited. Students are not to be at the College, or be involved in any College-based activity, while under the influence of alcohol or in possession of alcohol.
Vaping/Tobacco: The smoking and/or possession of any type of vaping materials or tobacco product is prohibited.
Unlawful drugs: Under no circumstances will the use or possession of unlawful drugs of any kind be permitted.
Violence: The College has a “non-violence” policy which prohibits; fighting, hitting, pushing, wrestling, or any other physical contact. The College enforces this rule for the safety and wellbeing of all its students.
Endangerment: Any action that directly, or indirectly, endangers a member of staff or another student will be considered as very serious. This includes the carrying of weapons (or items that could be used as weapons), abetting the presence of unauthorised persons on the site and threats of violence.
Cyber and phone activity: Using the internet /social media to bully, harass, send inappropriate images, access inappropriate images, threaten, organise unacceptable activity is not accepted.
Respect for a person’s property: The property of other people is to be respected. Each student is responsible for their own property each day while on site.
Respect for the College: The College reserves its right to protect its good name and it does not tolerate any activity that undermines it. Frequently, graduating students rely on the good name of the College in their career endeavours.
Unauthorised absence from school: Students are not to leave the College without prior approval from their parents/carers and the College.
Consequences of Serious Breaches in Expectations
Students can expect that the actions stated above will lead to significant consequences. Such consequences may include suspension and exclusion. As most of these actions are illegal students can also expect that there may be police involvement. The College has a practice of actively working with the police in incidents that are illegal.