Careers at St Francis Xavier’s College is a full time, job-share, non-teaching role.
- Ashley Phillips is available Term 1 Monday to Friday – Term 2 Thursday and Friday, and can be contacted via email
- Julie McLoughlin is available from Term 2 Monday to Wednesday and can be contacted via email
Alternatively, you can contact the school by phoning 4961 2863 or emailing
Students can make bookings every day, in allocated 30min time slots. They do this by writing their name on the booking sheet outside the Careers Office. The Office is conveniently placed off the main yard for handy access during lunch and recess, for students to call in for advice. There is a separate page on the school portal under “Careers” where all information that needs to be disseminated to students is placed. Students are also regularly emailed for notification of current events. The Lighthouse which is emailed to parents always contains information for students on the most recent changes and events of interest.
The Careers Advisers provide counselling on subject-choices and changes / TAFE Options and Enrolment / University Degrees / Scholarship Information / UAC Entry / School based Apprenticeships / Full time and part time jobs in the local area / Work Experience / Information on private providers / Assistance with Job Applications including Resume / Cover Letter preparation and Interview Advice / Organising Tertiary Awareness Days, Expo days and guest speakers to the school.
For students interested in applying for a TVET / TAFE course, please see your current school Careers Adviser. Similarly, organisation of SBATs will need to be carried out before beginning Year 11. Information about these opportunities will be delivered through your Year 10 program.
Parents are also welcome to make bookings for interviews throughout the year. We look forward to supporting students on their Careers Education journey.